Inspire Anywhere Telehealth Services
Inspire Anywhere Telehealth services connects interested families who live outside of our normal service area or do not wish to have direct behavior therapy in their homes with BCBAs who provide support virtually.
Through Inspire Anywhere, our BCBAs will work virtually to conduct an assessment and work with clients and their families to develop clinical goals.
Inspire Anywhere BCBAs will then provide ongoing telehealth consultation to clients on a regular basis which will consist of supported, parent-led intervention along with monitoring and modification of interventions and clinical goals.
We know our families are busy and may not want to commit to regular ABA services or may live outside of our regular service area and be in need of services. With Inspire Anywhere Telehealth, our team of experienced BCBAs is able to provide assessment services, implement and monitor interventions over time, and provide parent coaching services in a flexible, virtual environment that works for you. Inspire Anywhere Telehealth also allows us to serve clients who may live in areas where there is a lack of ABA providers, allowing them to access medically-necessary ABA services in their homes, provided by our team of expert providers.
We will work with your insurance carrier to obtain insurance authorization for ABA services and provide guidance and support to you throughout the process so you understand what will be covered.
Inspire Telehealth Anywhere services are currently available nationwide so please contact our team to learn more.
Inspire Anywhere Telehealth Services FAQs
How do I know if Inspire Anywhere Telehealth is the right fit for me?
Is Inspire Anywhere Telehealth safe and secure?
If I start with Inspire Anywhere Telehealth services, am I able to switch to traditional services?
Our team will conduct an assessment of appropriateness for Inspire Anywhere Telehealth services and will consider individual characteristics when determining appropriateness.
Inspire Anywhere Telehealth services is generally best for clients who:
Want to build skills
Need help with social skills and communication
Need assistance establishing routines and schedules
Do not engage in severe forms of challenging behavior or cannot access services locally for these behaviors
Can pay attention to a computer screen or have had prior success with virtual learning
Do not have the available time to commit to traditional ABA services or cannot access these services
Have access to a computer, tablet, or phone and reliable internet connection.
Yes! Client confidentiality and data security is very important to us. That’s why we utilize a HIPAA-compliant platform to deliver all of our telehealth services.
Depending on your service area and availability of providers, we may be able to convert your Inspire Anywhere Telehealth services in more traditional ABA services at your request. Our team will happily discuss options with you.